Finding You The Right Lead Generation Partners

Is finding the right lead generation partner causing you frustration? I can help.

How are YOUR leads being generated?
You should know.
So lets make it easy, FOR YOU, to know.

When it comes to the lead generation industry, there is an obvious grey area when it comes to how leads are sourced and delivered. My goal is to be a part of the solution and eliminate as much grey as possible.

Advertisers (buyer partners) that I am fortunate to work will know that I will go the extra mile to find quality and that my lead generation partners have followed a list of protocols to ensure quality.

How We Help

Why This Partnership?


Our partnership is exclusive. Its just you, your firm and me. Anything we do will be acknowledged by NDA.

Fraud Reduction

My goal, along with my partners, is to eliminate lead generation fraud. Anyone who cannot meet expectations will not be considered.


There is no reason to hide the where leads are generated. If they cannot prove it, we wont use them.

Higher Quality

The end goal is to produce a higher quality of lead to ensure more value to you. A better lead = a higher conversion. 

About Me

The Performance Marketing (Lead Generation) Space was introduced to me in early 2023 and I have never been felt more fortunate in a space. Some may say that my short history works against me, but I disagree. In my opinion, it works in my favor because of I have not been absorbed into bad practices and can impact change,

I started in the Legal Vertical, forming partnerships with Personal Injury Firms or their direct partners and have never looked back...